The sinking of F46 Greenhalgh (ex HMS Broadsword)

MANSUP anti-shipping missile was to be introduced into the Brazilian Navy.
One of the many test before introduction was carried out by F47 Rademaker (ex HMS Battleaxe) against target F46 (ex HMS Broadsword)

Rademaker fires MANSUP

Weapons used - MANSUP anti ship missile from Rademaker
Pengion AGM launched from SH-16 Seahawk helicopter
The AF-1 Skyhawk fighter dropping BGB-82 bombs & 20mm cannons
AH-11B Super Lynx helecopter launching MK-9 depth charges & .50cal machine guns

Weapons used con:-
Aspide SAM, 4.5-inch & 40mm cannons from the frigate F Independencia (F-44)

Ships Participating:-
F Indepemdecia
F Rademaker (F-44)
F Rademaker (F49)
CV Cabloclo (V19)
Bahia (G40)
S Tikina (S34)
Almerante Hess (U30)