G E N E V A  P R I S O N E R   O F   W A R
C O N V E N T I O N   1 9 4 9

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1. This Convention sets out the rules, internationally agreed, regarding the rights and treatment of prisoners of war during captivity.

It applies equally to our servicemen who are captured and to enemy servicemen who are taken prisoner by our forces. The more important requirements are set out below.

2. Members of the regular armed forces are not the only persons entitled on capture to be treated as prisoners of war. Members of militia, volunteer corps, civilians holding military identity cards, seamen holding identity cards issued by their governments and under certain conditions members of resistance movements in occupied territories are also entitled to be so treated.

In cases of doubt a captured person must be given the benefit of the doubt and treated initially as a prisoner of war.

3. All prisoners are entitled to humane and respectful treatment and must be protected from acts of violence, intimidation, insults, and public curiosity. Reprisals against them are forbidden.